
Receive, track, and monitor recurring payments from all your clients

The payments ecosystem is digitizing fast and consumers expect payments to be fast, seamless and automated. Adept is aimed at removing delays in providing service value caused by human intervention and the need for manual confirmation.

Learn how Adept works in four easy steps

Adept leverages on the existing financial system and uses NUBANs to improve accessibility.

Unique NUBAN Account Numbers

Unique NUBAN Account Numbers

Adept provides unique NUBAN account numbers that are mapped to each customer or client.

Instant Payment Verification

Instant Payment Verification

Payments made to these assigned NUBAN Bank Accounts are verified instantly.

Use Different Payment Methods

Use Different Payment Methods

Payments can be made by bank deposit, USSD/Mobile app, POS agents, Internet Banking, ATM transfer, mobile wallet payment.

Automated Payment Receipts

Automated Payment Receipts

Automated payment receipts are sent to designated phone numbers/email addresses upon receipt of payment.

Adept notificationAdept notification

Adept for Businesses

By choosing Adept as your preferred payment solutions provider, you can easily digitize all your existing payment processes within your organization thereby greatly improving upon your current architecture for payments. Adept enables you to unify payments and provide customers an avenue to easily and conveniently make recurrent payments.


Bringing the power of technology to the financial space.


The Acorn, No 4, Madiana Close off Dar Es-Salam Street, Wuse 2, Abuja.

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